SWTOR: Veröffentlichungstermin für STAR WARS: The Old Republic angekündigt

  • Zitat:
    Zitat von Dharhan It seems that not only are they preparing for stable servers by keeping pre-order numbers limited, but even for those of us who have pre-ordered: our access to the game may not be granted as fast as we had hoped. In the article, they discuss slowly granting access to the game over an undisclosed period of time to the point that some folks may barely recieve any early access to the game, if any at all. Of course, this is all for the sake of a high quality launch and attempting to keep that HUGE problem every online game has at launch at bay. We'll have to see how that works out, and hope that it doesn't prevent those that are invested in their game already from playing for too long.
    Shacknews apparently got confused, and they're confusing you, so allow me to clarify. Nothing has actually changed since we announced pre-order access in July.

    Everyone who pre-orders Star Wars: The Old Republic and redeems their pre-order code will get Early Game Access. Those who do this will be able to download the game client and play the game ahead of the release date.

    While we aren't ready to talk about the exact timing of when Early Game Access starts (that depends on a number of factors including Game Testing and pre-order numbers), we'll announce that before the start date. Our planning accounts for allowing people to download the client before the Early Game Access start date, too.

    However, when you actually gain admittance to Early Game Access will be determined in a first-come, first-served manner dependent on when you redeemed your pre-order code.

    While we understand all of you want to be in Early Game Access on Day One, part of the point of a head start program like this one is to allow us to gradually ramp up the population of our servers so that on launch day, the general play experience is as pleasant as possible. While we're going to be allowing a lot of people into Early Game Access at regular intervals, we cannot allow everyone who pre-orders in at once. That would defeat the point of a gradual head start.

    The next obvious question is "I pre-ordered on Day X, when do I get access?" While we cannot answer that for everyone, I will say (as I did in July) that those who pre-ordered early will be getting Early Game Access, well, earliest. At this point we still have pre-orders available and therefore, anyone who pre-orders will still gain Early Game Access, but as they're redeeming their code later, they'll get Early Game Access later. As I've said before the difference between 'early' and 'later' should be a matter of days, not weeks.

    I hope this helps clear things up a bit. I'd encourage everyone to review the pre-order FAQ and specifically the section on Early Game Access, too.


  • Dezember ist bei uns Urlaubssperre ... naja ... da ich dort auch erst seit n paar Monaten arbeite, will ich mir mal nicht zuviel rausnehmen.
    Ich melde mich lieber Krank 8o

    Picard: "Ich würd dir am liebsten Tag und Nacht deine dumme, fiese Fresse einhaun ... echt ey."

    Riker: "Häh ... da kann ich ja wohl nur drüber lachen, oder wat?"

    Picard: "Ja, aber wie dat aussieht ohne Zähne."

  • *Chef ich hab leider Gugannitis, der Arzt sagt ich soll im Bett bleiben und mich einer Macht-Therapie unterziehen" :D

    MfG Ishi

    P.s.: Ich muss mal sehen ob ich um den 22.12. Zeit hab... Da ist ja Weihnachtszeit und da hab ich meist viel zu tun 8) ... (Hoffe mal das der Head-Start entsprechend ist und ich da reinkomme, dann kann ich schon vor dem 22.12. loslegen :D )...

    "Light" and "Darkness". Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

    There are many ways.

    But only within the "Shadows" everything unites .

  • Dezember ist bei uns Urlaubssperre ... naja ... da ich dort auch erst seit n paar Monaten arbeite, will ich mir mal nicht zuviel rausnehmen.
    Ich melde mich lieber Krank 8o

    Die ist bei uns über den Jahreswechsel, da ein paar Verträge von Kollegen nicht verlängert werden ect. p.p.
    Freu mich wie nen Brötchen endlich mal wieder nen Release mitzumachen...die letzten SWG & WoW sind ja schon paar Tage her.

    In der Hoffnung das der Bounty Hunter auch auf der Seiten der Republik zu spielen sein wird. Am besten als Bothan !