SWTOR: Wartungsarbeiten am 9. August 2016

  • Hallo miteinander!

    Am 9. August werden wir die Server herunterfahren, um Spiel-Update 4.7 aufzuspielen. In diesem Zeitraum wird die Website ebenfalls nicht erreichbar sein.

    DATUM: 9. August 2016
    ZEIT: 1300Uhr MESZ bis 1800Uhr MESZ
    VERSION: 4.7

    Danke für eure Geduld, während wir die Dienste für Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ aktualisieren.


  • Na ich bin gespannt wie das letzte Chapter sein wird - also wie die Story weitergeht 8) ..!

    MfG Ishi


    Wenn denn jetzt endlich die Guss Begleiter-Quest kommt wird es sicherlich so sein, dass er am Ende alles rettet was zu retten ist :thumbup: ...

    "Light" and "Darkness". Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

    There are many ways.

    But only within the "Shadows" everything unites .

  • Hey folks!

    We have figured out what the issue is and we have a few options on how
    to proceed. What we are going to do is we are going to move tomorrow's
    maintenance up to right now, meaning there will no longer be a
    maintenance tomorrow morning. Within the next 15-30 minutes we will be
    bringing all servers down as we deploy Game Update 4.7 and Chapter 16.

    This means that as the servers come back up 4.7 will be live and you
    will have access to Chapter 16 Early Access if you qualified. We do
    apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, but with this solution
    you will be getting Chapter 16 and GU 4.7 even sooner than planned.

    This means that starting soon SWTOR servers will be unavailable for
    approximately 4 hours (hopefully less). We will be keeping SWTOR.com
    available during this period.

    Thank you for your understanding.



  • Und wir haben so eben einen SD für *Backend Wartungsarbeiten an den Servern* :thumbdown: ...

    Hey everyone!

    We will be taking the servers offline on August 9th in order to perform back end updates. As there are no client-side changes, there won’t be a version number or download associated with this maintenance.

    DATE: 9 August 2016
    TIME: 8:00AM - 9:00AM PDT (1600 - 1700 BST)

    Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!

    Hey folks,

    We are going to be having a brief downtime to address two issues:

    • We believe we have a fix for characters stuck with a version error.
    • To add Early Access to those players who were missed the grant yesterday.

    The plan is for maintenance to take an hour and we are going to start/end it as soon as possible!



    MfG Ishi

    "Light" and "Darkness". Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

    There are many ways.

    But only within the "Shadows" everything unites .